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NeDB-asyncfs published

I modified NeDB for freezr so it can use async storage mediums, like AWS S3 and or personal storage spaces like dropbox. The code is on github, and npmjs.

Each new storage system can have a js file that emulates the 16 or so functions required to integrate that storage system into nedb-asyncfs. A number of examples (like dbfs_aws.js) are provided under the env folder on github. Then, to initiate the db, you call the file as such:

const CustomFS = require('../path/to/dbfs_EXAMPLE.js')

const db = new Datastore({ dbFileName, customFS: new CustomFS(fsParams)})

where dbFileName is the name of the db, and fsParams are the specific credentials that the storage system requires. For example, for aws, fsParams could equal:

secretAccessKey: '22_secret22'

To make this work, I moved all the file system operations out of storage.js and persistence.js to dbfs_EXAMPLE.js (defaulting to dbfs_local.js which replicates the original nedb functionality), and made two main (interrelated) conceptual changes to the NeDB code:

1. appendfile - This is a critical part of NeDB but the function doesn't exist on cloud storage APIs, so the only way to 'append' a new record would be to download the whole db file and then add the new record to the file and then re-write the whole thing to storage. Doing that on every db update is obviously hugely inefficient. So instead, I did something a little different:  Instead of appending a new record to the end of the db file (eg 'testdb.db'), for every new record, I create a small file with that one record and write it to a folder (called '~testdb.db', following the NeDB naming convention of using ~). This makes the write operation acceptably fast, and I think it provides good redundancy. Afterwards, when a db file is crashsafe-written, all the small record-files in the folder are removed.  Similarly, loading a database entails reading the main dbname file plus all the little files in the ~testdb.db folder, and then appending all the records to the main file in the order of the time they were written.

2. doNotPersistOnLoad - it also turns out that persisting a database takes a long time, so it is quite annoying to persist every time you load the db, since it slows down the loading process considerably... So I added a donotperistOnLoad option. By default the behaviour is like NeDB now, but in practice you would only want to manage persisting the db at the application level... eg it makes more sense to have the application call 'persistence.compactDatafile()' when the server is less busy. 

Of course, latency is an issue in general, and for example, I had to add a bunch of setTimeOuts to the tests for them to work... mostly because deleting files (specially multiple files, can take a bit of time, so reading the db right after deleting the 'record files' doesnt work. and I also increased the timeout on the tests. Still, with a few exceptions below, all the tests passed for s3, google Drive and dropbox. Some notes on the testing:

  • testThrowInCallback' and 'testRightOrder' fail and I couldnt figure out what the issue is with it. They even fail when dbfs_local is used. I commented out those tests and noted 'TEST REMOVED'
  • ‘TTL indexes can expire multiple documents and only what needs to be expired’ was also removed => TOO MANY TIMING ISSUES
  • I also removed (and marked) 3 tests in persistence.test.js as the tests didn't make sense for async I believe.
  • I also added a few fs tests to test different file systems.
  • To run tests with new file systems, you can add the dbfs_example.js file under the env folder, add a file called '.example_credentials.js' with the required credentials and finally adjust the params.js file to detect and use those credentials.

I made one other general change to the functionality: I don't think empty lines should be viewed as errors. In the regular NeDB, empty lines are considered errors but the corruptItems count starts at -1. I thought it was better to not count empty lines as errors, but start the corruptItems count  at 0. (See persistence.js) So I added a line to persisence to ignore lines that are just '/n'

Finally, nedb-asyncfs also updates the dependencies. underscore is updated to the latest version, as the latest under nedb had some vulnerabilities. I also moved binary-search-tree inside the nedb code base, which is admittedly ugly but works. (binary-search-tree was created by Louis Chariot for nedb, and the alternative would have been to also fork and publish that as well.)